I am an Assistant Professor of Urban Design at TU Delft. My research interests focus on the socio-spatial implications of (past and ongoing) technological transitions and changes in work patterns, more-than-human ecologies of extended urbanization and productive green infrastructures.
Thesis I supervise have a trans-scalar approach, featuring a strong research and analytical component, exploratory research methods, and propose radical reimaginations of spaces and processes on the following topics:
- Design investigations of automated landscapes of extended urbanisation, deciphering their physical and material configurations;
- Platform urbanism, urban logistics, remote work, precarious labor;
- Situated entanglements of technology, questioning assemblages of human and more-than-human work with particular landscapes and architectures;
- Spatial typologies and places for green work, establishing links between urban greening strategies, landscape and biotope types, productive activities, and spatial design (as part of a collaboration with the Municipality of Almere).
I hold the degree of Architect from the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM, 2006), a Master of Architecture in Urban Design, with distinction, from Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2011), and a Ph.D. cum laude in Architecture from UPM (2016).
Relevant research experience:
- Postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft in the project ‘Cities of Making’;
- fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude;
- coordinator of the Jaap Bakema Study Centre;
- co-principal researcher of ‘Automated Landscapes’ at Het Nieuwe Instituut;
- Emerging Curator at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (project OffReOnShore);
- research associate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (projects South America Project and Extreme Urbanism).
Relevant output:
Books and journal editorships
- Muñoz Sanz, V., Thomidou, A., eds. (2022), Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny in the Anthropocene, Barcelona: DPR Barcelona.
- Van den Heuvel, D., Muñoz Sanz, V., Martens, J., eds. (June 2020), Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture, Rotterdam: NAI 010 Publishers.
- Dijkstra, R., Ionescu I., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds. (2019), Robocar and Urban Space Evolution: City changes in the age of autonomous cars. Delft: TU Delft Open.
- Muñoz Sanz, V., Handel, D., eds. (2019), Footprint: Delft Architecture Theory Journal issue 25, Vol. 13 No 2, “The Human, Conditioned.” https://doi.org/10.7480/footprint.13.2
- Mehrotra, R., Doherty, G., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds. (2012), Extreme Urbanism 2: Speculations and Alternative Futures for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Design.
- Muñoz Sanz, V., Romero Muñoz, S., Bello Gómez, L., Sánchez Chaparro, T., & Herdt, T. (2022). “Making Green Work: Implementation Strategies in a New Generation of Urban Forests,” in Urban Planning vol 7 issue 2. https://doi.org/10.17645/up.v7i2.5039
- Hausleitner, B., Hill, A., Domenech, T., Muñoz Sanz, V. (2022), “Urban Manufacturing for Circularity: Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities,” in: Amenta, L., van Timmeren, A., and Russo, M. (eds), Regenerative Territories: Dimensions of Circularity for Healthy Metabolisms, Berlin: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78536-9_5
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2020), “Genes, Robots, and Toxicity: the Haunted Landscapes of Milk Production”, in Solitude Journal 1, issue on ‘Collective Care and Response-ability”. https://www.akademie-solitude.de/wp-content/uploads/munoz_sanz_solitude.pdf
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2020),“Urbanism as Myth and Ceremony: Social Legitimacy and the Development of the Bata Shoe Company Satellite Towns (1929-1935),” in Articulo – Journal of Urban Research 48, special issue on Commodity Flows and Urban Spaces. https://doi.org/10.4000/articulo.4735
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2020), “Best Supporting Characters,” in: Riha, T. et al., eds., Steel Cities: Architecture of Logistics in East Central Europe. Prague, Zurich: VI PER, Park Books. https://research.tudelft.nl/files/85431859/Munoz_Sanz_Steel_cities_FINAL.pdf
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Researching Automated Landscapes”, in: Otero Verzier, M., Axel, N. (eds), WORK BODY LEISURE, Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 103-126. https://work-body-leisure.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/researching-automated-landscapes
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Polanyi in the Garden,” in Bartlebooth 7 “No Humano.” Winter 2018, pp. 169-79.
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Platform Architectures”, in Positions, e-flux Architecture, January 23, 2018. At: http://www.e-flux.com/architecture/positions/153887/platform-architectures/
- Muñoz Sanz, V., Kuijpers, M., Abou Jaoude, G. (2018),“Agricultural Platforms,” in Harvard Design Magazine #46, Winter 2018, pp. 124-31.https://research.tudelft.nl/files/85431901/Munoz_Sanz_et_al_Agricultural_Platforms_Harvard_Design_Magazine_46_No_Sweat_1.pdf
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2017), “Captives in FutureLand”, in Volume #51, November 2017, pp. 38-41.
- Muñoz Sanz, V. (2016), “Welcome to FutureLand: Automation Takes Command in the Port of Rotterdam”, in Volume #49, September 2016, pp. 33-38. http://archis.org/volume/welcome-to-futureland/
Exemplary thesis projects:
- van der Drift, Bjarne (2022). Platform Urbanism: Beyond Colonization and Commodification. Designing the Platform Before it Designs Us.
- te Duits, Noa (2022). Flourishing Foodvalley: Pattern language as a co-design method to approach the transition towards circular agricultural systems in a hybrid landscape. At: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A1f23e002-c533-44d5-bae0-03ba8ac81808?collection=education
- Kenter, Jos (2020). Amsterdam 2049: Story-driven scenarios to prepare the city for autonomous vehicles. At: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:d4cb82c0-0e61-4e7b-aea6-f11bc4a867e5
- Durand Lopez, Leyden (2019). Modernist urbanism under automated mobility scenarios: Transforming modernist areas for spatial quality in Amsterdam city. At: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:f4b3e304-8963-4388-b916-eb2d77d1a077
- Abou Jaoude, Grace (2018). Machinic Utopias, Automated Futures: Scenarios of Potential Automated Futures in Westland. At: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:aff0f361-2273-4ccf-96e4-88ab379351ed
- Georgali, Vaggy (2018). Playgrounds of commons. Spatial interventions for collective appropriation towards liveability and diversity in Rotterdam South: The case of Oud Charlois and Waalhaven. At: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:8772e637-c9fa-499f-9e74-96500c7d0999